Uricult for the USA
Uricult is an easy-to-perform bacterial culture method for the detection of various types of bacteria that commonly cause urinary tract infections (UTI).

Uricult is a culture slide covered on both sides with agar media. The slide can be dipped in the sample or the sample can be poured onto the slide. The inoculated slide is inserted back into the tube where it can be incubated, stored or transported.
When Uricult is used as recommended, the results can show the presence or absence of potential urinary pathogen in the tested sample, the approximate concentration of bacteria in each milliliter (ml) of urine and a presumptive identification of the specific bacteria type.
Uricult is CLIA classified as Moderately Complex for Colony Counts only - visual QC only and no lab testing.
Uricult provides you with
- Culture method for urinary pathogens
- Easy to perform procedure; Dip - Incubate - Read Results
- Quick and convenient result within 24 hours
- Simple CLIA compliance for reporting colony count
Test results should never be used alone, without a complete clinical evaluation. Read more: Uricult for the USA > Risks and limitations of the procedure
Technical data
Products available |
Use | For in vitro diagnostic use |
Method | Culture |
Sample type | Urine |
Time to result | 18 - 24 hours |
Reading of the result | Visual |
Storage | Room temperature 45 - 77 °F (7 - 25 °C) |
Additionally needed | Incubator 94 - 100 °F (36 °C +/- 2 °C) Sterile urine collection cup |
Registered trademark | Uricult is a registered trademark of Aidian Oy |
About UTI
Bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in the urine. Bacteria in urine may be due to many causes:
- A symptomatic bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI)
- An asymptomatic presence of bacteria within the urinary tract (The presence of bacteria may be transient or may be persistent but does not cause disease symptoms – Asymptomatic)
Urinary tract infections include localized infections in any particular site within the urinary tract. More specific terms include:
- Pyelonephritis (Kidney)
- Cystitis (Bladder)
- Prostatitis (Prostate)
- Urethritis (Urethra)
Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria invade different areas of the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections vary in seriousness. As the infection moves upwards from the urethra to the bladder, then on to the kidney, it becomes more and more serious.
UTI’s caused by bacteria are considered uncomplicated infections and no surgery is required. Occasionally a UTI will be caused by a blockage such as a kidney stone or a structural abnormality of the urinary tract. This is called a complicated infection. Surgery is required to remove the obstruction or abnormality. Most UTI’s are caused by a single bacterial isolate. In unusual circumstances, it is possible that two organisms may be responsible. If an incubated culture indicates three or more bacterial growths, the specimen should be considered contaminated and the culture should be repeated.
Risks and limitations of the procedure
Uricult CLED/EMB (1000)
URICULT® Urine CULTURE-PADDLES® are capable of detecting bacteriuria concentrations as low as 1,000 CFU/ml of urine. The Colony Density Chart allows the reporting of colony counts to the nearest power of 10. When used as directed, comparison of URICULT® colony count results with conventional pour plate methods shows an overall correlation of 99%1.
Bacterial identifications based on the biochemical reactions evidenced by URICULT® and colony morphology will result only in a presumptive identification. Bacterial variation may occur and atypical strains may be isolated. In instances where a definitive bacterial identification is necessary for proper patient management, the incubated paddle may be used as a transportmedia to forward the bacterial culture to a laboratory for furtherstudy.
Incubation of the inoculated URICULT® CULTURE-PADDLE® at 97°F ± 4°F (36°C ± 2°C) should not exceed 48 hours.
In instances where the inoculated paddle cannot be incubated and read within 48 hours, the URICULT® paddle may be stored or transported at 45...77°F (7...25°C) for 48 hours after tightening the URICULT® caps and placing the vial in an area protected from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations. Following storage or transport, inoculated URICULT® paddles should be incubated at 97°F ± 4°F (36°C ± 2°C) for 18–24 hours. URICULT® paddles which have been treated in this manner can only be used for colony count and growth. Inoculated paddle storage up to 48 hours with caps tightly closed may result in inconclusive agar color reactions and atypical colony morphology, making a presumptive identification not possible. In instances where a definitive bacterial identification is necessary for proper patient management, the incubated paddle may be used as a transport media to forward the bacterial culture to a laboratory for further study.
- McAllister TA, Arneil GC, Barr W, Kay P: Assessment of Plain Dipslide Quantitation of Bacteriuria. Nephron 11:111–122, 1973.
Uricult CLED+Polymyxin/EMB (1002)
URICULT® Urine CULTURE-PADDLES® are capable of detecting bacteriuria concentrations as low as 1,000 CFU/ml of urine.The Colony Density Chart allows the reporting of colony counts to the nearest power of 10. When used as directed, comparison of URICULT® colony count results with conventional pour plate methods shows an overall correlation of 99%1.
Bacterial identifications based on the biochemical reactions evidenced by URICULT® and colony morphology will result only in a presumptive identification. Bacterial variation may occur and atypical strains may be isolated. In instances where a definitive bacterial identification is necessary for proper patient management, the incubated paddle may be used as a transport media to forward the bacterial culture to a laboratory for further study.
Incubation of the inoculated URICULT® CULTURE-PADDLE® at 97°F ± 4°F (36°C ± 2°C) should not exceed 48 hours.
In instances where the inoculated paddle cannot be incubated and read within 48 hours, the URICULT® paddle may be stored or transported at 45...77°F (7...25°C) for 48 hours after tightening the URICULT® caps and placing the vial in an area protected from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations. Following storage or transport, inoculated URICULT® paddles should be incubated at 97°F ± 4°F (36°C ± 2°C) for 18–24 hours. URICULT® paddles which have been treated in this manner can only be used for colony count and growth. Inoculated paddle storage up to 48 hours with caps tightly closed may result in inconclusive agar color reactions and atypical colony morphology, making a presumptive identification not possible. In instances where a definitive bacterial identification is necessary for proper patient management, the incubated paddle may be used as a transport media to forward the bacterial culture to a laboratory for further study.
- McAllister TA, Arneil GC, Barr W, Kay P: Assessment of Plain Dipslide Quantitation of Bacteriuria. Nephron 11: 111–122, 1973.
Uricult CLED+Polymyxin/MacConkey (1003)
URICULT® Urine CULTURE-PADDLES® are capable of detecting bacteriuria concentrations as low as 1,000 CFU/ml of urine.The Colony Density Chart allows the reporting of colony counts to the nearest power of 10. When used as directed, comparison of URICULT® colony count results with conventional pour plate methods shows an overall correlation of 99%1.
Bacterial identifications based on the biochemical reactions evidenced by URICULT® and colony morphology will result only in a presumptive identification. Bacterial variation may occurand atypical strains may be isolated. In instances where a definitive bacterial identification is necessary for proper patient management, the incubated paddle may be used as a transport media to forward the bacterial culture to a laboratory for further study.
Incubation of the inoculated URICULT® CULTURE-PADDLE® at 97°F ± 4°F (36°C ± 2°C) should not exceed 48 hours.
In instances where the inoculated paddle cannot be incubated and read within 48 hours, the URICULT® paddle may be stored or transported at 45...77°F (7...25°C) for 48 hours after tightening the URICULT® caps and placing the vial in an area protected from direct sunlight and temperature fluctuations. Following storage or transport, inoculated URICULT® paddles should be incubated at 97°F ± 4°F (36°C ± 2°C) for 18–24 hours. URICULT® paddles which have been treated in this manner can only be used for colony count and growth. Inoculated paddle storage up to 48 hours with caps tightly closed may result in inconclusive agar color reactions and atypical colony morphology, making a presumptive identification not possible. In instances where a definitive bacterial identification is necessary for proper patient management, the incubated paddle may be used as a transport media to forward the bacterial culture to a laboratory for further study.
- McAllister TA, Arneil GC, Barr W, Kay P: Assessment of Plain Dipslide Quantitation of Bacteriuria. Nephron 11: 111–122, 1973.
Documents and materials
Instructions for use
(For informative use only. Kindly always refer to the latest package insert in the kit.)
Uricult CLED/EMB IFU (US), 1000
Uricult CLED-Polymyxin/EMB IFU (US), 1002
Uricult CLED-Polymyxin/MacConkey EMB IFU (US), 1003
Uricult Vet CLED EMB IFU (US), 06254
Safety Data Sheet
If you wish to receive a Safety data sheet, please contact: product.support@aidian.eu