Jednoduché testovanie v mieste starostlivosti (POCT) pomocou multianalytického systému S potešením vám predstavujeme najnovší prírastok do ...

12. novembra 2024
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

Bolesť v hrdle (akútny zápal hltana) je jednou z najčastejších príčin návštevy praktického lekára.1 Väčšina akútnych zápalov hltana je vírus...

28. februára 2024
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

QuikRead go® Instrument is a lightweight, portable, and wireless near-patient testing device. You can connect the instrument to Wi-Fi using...

12. decembra 2023
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

Timely and accurate diagnosis is needed As the flu season approaches in the Northern hemisphere, healthcare professionals should start to p...

24. októbra 2023
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

The United European Gastroenterology (UEG) week, an informative and inspiring event on digestive health, concluded on Tuesday. We were espec...

20. októbra 2023
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

The study was carried out in Germany and the results were presented by Dr. Thaler in a poster session at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klini...

19. októbra 2023
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch, Udalosti

Expected rise in Strep A cases as schools and daycare centers resume As the fall season sets in and schools and daycare centers reopen, hea...

3. októbra 2023
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch

QuikRead go® HbA1c has participated in the annual IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) HbA1c Certif...

14. júna 2023
Novinky, Novinky o produktoch